Clinical Connections [MSTP:8512] is a highly successful required component of the MSTP that allows students to maintain clinical exposure and experience during graduate training. Students in the graduate phase of training choose a clinical preceptor from a pool of faculty members chosen based on their ability to be inspiring teachers and role models. Many Clinical Connections preceptors are active physician-scientists.

  • Each student is required to complete four rotations in Clinical Connections (beginning the second year in lab during the fall semester after beginning their graduate work).
  • Each rotation consists of a mentored clinical experience (either inpatient or outpatient) 4 1/2 days or 2 full days for one semester.
  • Four weeks of clinical clerkship credit are awarded by the CCOM for participation in Clinical Connections.

Importantly, Clinical Connections exposes MSTP students to physician-scientist role models, eases the transition back into the medical curriculum, and helps students explore potential subspecialty areas for residency and future career direction. This is accomplished with minimal interruption of their thesis work.

  • Students receive a grade (P/F) and credit is received. Some students elect to participate in more than four semesters of Clinical Connections, often to explore additional clinical specialties.
  • Further, many students complete an extra Clinical Connection rotation near the end of their graduate training to refresh their clinical skills prior to returning to clinical clerkships.

Recently Participating Faculty

PhysicianDepartment / Division
Michael Tomasson, MDAdult Hematology/Oncology - Blood and Bone Marrow Transplant Program
Yasser El-Hattab, MDAnesthesiology
Kenichi Ueda, MDAnesthesiology
Michelle Parra, MDAnestheisology - Acute Painj
David Kaczka, MD, PhDAnesthesiology (SNICU)
Regina Butteris, MDChild Abuse Pediatrician (St Luke's Hospital)
Ali Jabbari, MD, PhDDermatology
John Selby, MDDermatology
Brian Swick, MDDermatology Pathology
Mary Stone, MDDermatology Pathology
Daniel Runde, MDEmergency Medicine
Hans House, MDEmergency Medicine
Jon Van Heukelom, MDEmergency Medicine
Nicholas Mohr, MDEmergency Medicine
Olivia Bailey, MDEmergency Medicine
Barry London, MD, PhDInternal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Christopher Benson, MDInternal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Denice Hodgson-Zingman, MDInternal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Ferhaan Ahamed, MD, PhDInternal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Michael Guidici, MDInternal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Milena Gebska, MD, PhDInternal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Saket Girotra, MBBS, MSInternal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Samuel Johnston, MDInternal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine
Amal Shibli-Rahhal, MDInternal Medicine - Endocrinology and Metabolism
Brian O'Neill, MD, PhDInternal Medicine - Endocrinology and Metabolism
Antonio J Sanchez, MDInternal Medicine - Gastroenterology and Hepatology
David Elliott, MD, PhDInternal Medicine - Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Warren Schmidt, MD, PhDInternal Medicine - Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Kevin Glenn, MDInternal Medicine - General
Melinda Johnson, MDInternal Medicine - General
Justin Smock, MDInternal Medicine - General / Hospitalist / VA Blue Team
Laurel Lyckholm, MDInternal Medicine - Hematology, Oncology & BMT
Usha Perepu, MDInternal Medicine - Hematology, Oncology & BMT
Brian Link, MDInternal Medicine - Hematology, Oncology, and Blood and Marrow Transplantation
Mohammed Milhem, MDInternal Medicine - Hematology, Oncology, and Blood and Marrow Transplantation
Steve Lentz, MD, PhDInternal Medicine - Hematology, Oncology, and Blood and Marrow Transplantation
Daniel Berg, MDInternal Medicine - Hematology/Oncology
Dee Dee Stafford, MD, PhDInternal Medicine - Immunology
Scott Vogelgesang, MDInternal Medicine - Immunology (Rheumatology)
Jason Barker, MDInternal Medicine - Infectious Disease
Judy Streit, MDInternal Medicine - Infectious Diseases
Jonathan Nizar, MDInternal Medicine - Nephrology
Manish Suneja, MDInternal Medicine - Nephrology
Alicia Gerke, MDInternal Medicine - Pulmonary, Critical Care & Occupational Medicine
Alejandro Pezzulo, MDInternal Medicine - Pulmonary, Critical Care & Occupational Medicine
David Stoltz, MD, PhDInternal Medicine - Pulmonary, Critical Care & Occupational Medicine
Douglas Hornick, MDInternal Medicine - Pulmonary, Critical Care & Occupational Medicine
Gregory Schmidt, MDInternal Medicine - Pulmonary, Critical Care & Occupational Medicine
Joel Kline, MDInternal Medicine - Pulmonary, Critical Care & Occupational Medicine
Julia Klesney-Tait, MD, PhDInternal Medicine - Pulmonary, Critical Care & Occupational Medicine
Mahmoud Abou-Alaiwa, MDInternal Medicine - Pulmonary, Critical Care & Occupational Medicine
Tayyab Rahman, MDInternal Medicine - Pulmonary, Critical Care & Occupational Medicine
Aaron Boes, MD, PhDNeurology
Ergun Uc, MDNeurology
Eric Dyken, MDNeurology
George Richerson, MD, PhDNeurology
Gordon Buchanan, MD, PhDNeurology
HyungSub Shim, MDNeurology
Joel Geerling, MD, PhDNeurology
Kumar Narayanan, MD, PhDNeurology
John Kamholz, MDNeurology & Psychiatry
Teri Thomsen, MDNeurology (Movement Disorders)
Nandakumar Narayanan, MD, PhDNeurology (Parkinson's)
Peg Nopoulos, MDNeurology / Psychiatry
Jeremy Greenlee, MDNeurosurgery
Matthew Howard, MDNeurosurgery
Megan McDonald, MDObstetrics & Gynecology
Miriam Murray, MDObstetrics & Gynecology - Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Stephen Hunter, MD, PhDObstetrics & Gynecology - Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Arlene Drack, MDOphthalmology & Visual Sciences
Edwin Stone, MD, PhDOphthalmology & Visual Sciences
John Fingert, MD, PhDOphthalmology & Visual Sciences
Elliott Sohn, MDOphthalmology & Visual Sciences (Retina)
Mark Greiner, MDOphthalmology & Visual Sciences (Retina)
Steven Russell, MDOphthalmology & Visual Sciences (Retina)
Joseph Chen, MDOrthopaedics & Rehabilitation
Heather Bingham, MDOrthopedics & Rehabilition
Jay Gantz, MDOtolaryngology
Deborah Kacmarynski, MDOtolaryngology (Craniofacial surgeon)
Scott Owen, MDOtolaryngology, Facial Plastics and Reconstruction Division
Marlan Hansen, MDOtolaryngology, Neurosurgery
Annette Schlueter, MD, PhDPathology
Anthony Snow, MDPathology
Laila Dahmoush, MDPathology
Leslie Bruch, MDPathology
Nancy Rosenthal, MDPathology
Karra Jones, MD, PhDPathology
Bradley Ford, MD, PhDPathology - Clinical Microbiology
Carol Holman, MD, PhDPathology - Hematopathology
Aaron Bossler, MD, PhDPathology - Molecular Pathology
Andrew Bellizzi, MDPathology (Surgical)
Munir Tanas, MDPathology (Surgical)
Lyndsay Harshman, MDPediatric Nephrology
Alex Bassuk, MD, PhDPediatric Neurology
Joseph Glykys, MD, PhDPediatric Neurology
Sreenath Thati Ganganna, MDPediatric Neurology
Nate Price, MDPediatrics
Christina Luz L. Cifra, MDPediatrics - Critical Care
Andrew Norris, MD, PhDPediatrics - Endocrinology and Diabetes
Vanessa Curtis, MDPediatrics - Endocrinology and Diabetes
Rebecca Benson, MD, PhDPediatrics - General Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine
Anjali Sharathkumar, MBBS, MDPediatrics - Hematology/Oncology
David Gordon, MD, PhDPediatrics - Hematology-Oncology
Sue O'Dorisio, MD, PhDPediatrics - Hematology-Oncology
David Price, MDPediatrics - Infectious Disease
Ben Darbro, MD, PhDPediatrics - Medical Genetics & Genomics
John Dagle, MD, PhDPediatrics - Neonatology
Diana Zepeda-Orozco, MDPediatrics - Nephrology
Jennifer Jetton, MDPediatrics - Nephrology, Dialysis & Transplantation
Peter Daniolos, MDPediatrics - Psychiatry
Polly Ferguson, MDPediatrics - Rheumatology
Scott Lieberman, MD, PhDPediatrics - Rheumatology
Diana Bayer, DOPediatrics - Rheumatology, Allergy & Immunology
Aislinn Williams, MD, PhDPsychiatry
Allister Wilton, MDPsychiatry
Andrea Weber, MDPsychiatry
Aubrey Chan, MD, PhDPsychiatry
Eric Epping, MD, PhDPsychiatry
Mark Niciu, MD, PhDPsychiatry
Allan Andersen, MDPsychiatry
Hanna Stevens, MD, PhDPsychiatry - Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
John Buatti, MDRadiation Oncology
Julia Shelton, MD, MPHSurgery - Pediatric Surgery
Kelly Ledbetter, MDSurgery - Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Carlos Chan, MD, PhDSurgery - Surgical Oncology and Endocrine Surgery
Gina Lockwood, MDUrology - Pediatric Urology