Daniel Pape, M4
MSTP Learning Community: Flocks
MSTP Entry Date: June 12, 2017
PhD Program:
2017-2018 - Anatomy Liaison Committee
2017-2018 - APSA Midwest Regional Meeting Planning Committee
2017-2020 - MSTP Retreat & I Heart Science Committee
2018-present - MSTP Monday Committee
2020-present - MSTP Retreat & I Heart Science Committee (Chair 2020-2021)
2021 Fall - Biophysical Chemistry I (BIOC:5241) Teaching Assistant
2017 - BS, Biochemistry - University of Notre Dame
Rauckhorst AJ, Borcherding N, Pape DJ, Kraus AS, Scerbo DA, Taylor EB. Mouse tissue harvest-induced hypoxia rapidly alters the in vivo metabolome, between-genotype metabolite level differences, and 13C-tracing enrichments. Mol Metab. 2022 Sep 11:101596. doi: 10.1016/j.molmet.2022.101596. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36100179.